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Prof. Dr. Igor ŠKRJANC

Prof. Dr. Igor ŠKRJANC
Full Professor
Lecturing: Control

E-mail: igor[dot]skrjanc[at]fe[dot]uni-lj[dot]si
Tel: +386 (0)1 4768-311
Room no.: 206

Igor Škrjanc received the B.Sc., the M.Sc. and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering, in 1988, 1991 and 1996, respectively, from the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His main research interests are in adaptive, predictive, fuzzy and fuzzy adaptive control systems. This was also the title of his Ph.D. thesis. In 2007 he received the highest research award of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Vodovnikova award and in 2008, award of the Republic of Slovenia for Scientific and Research Achievements  
(awarded by Government of the Republic of Slovenia), Zois award for outstanding research results in the field of intelligent control. He also received the Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers for the period between 2009-2011 for the research work at University of Siegen.  
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